

Beta and Usability Testing - Getting Selected

Being selected as a Beta and Usability tester is a great opportunity to be one of the first people to see a new product. You’ll get to try out new technology, share your opinions, challenge your testing skills, be a part of a real product development process, and earn cool stuff.

Some of our tests are available to anyone who’s interested in our type of product, some are highly selective, so you probably want to know: how do I get picked to be a Beta and Usability tester?

Much More Than Chance

Getting picked to be a tester is not simply a random event. Most of our private Beta and Usability tests involve some sort of qualification survey.

Our Beta and Usability team then goes through every application to ensure that the best people are selected to meet the project’s goals.

Pay Attention to Details

When you apply, take the time to read any project requirements carefully and make sure you meet them. During the application process talk about why you’re best suited to test the product.

Sharing how you like the technology is not as important as explaining how you need the technology today and how you’ll bring that to the test.

Our product teams are looking to select the candidates that are going to give their product a great test, so give them a reason to pick you.

Keep Your Info Updated

If you have a profile with WardrobeTools, make sure it’s up to date. Many tests require that testers own certain devices that operate on certain platforms with certain operating systems.

If your profile doesn’t reflect the current technology you own, you might be missing out on opportunities because we think you don’t meet the test requirements.

Be Patient

You may or may not get into every test you apply for.

Many of our tests receive hundreds of candidates more than we have slots for in the Beta and Usability test for software that is NOT specific to a profession.

Don’t get discouraged if you don’t get into one right away.

If we have not solicited you directly for our profession specific software, likewise, don’t get discouraged if you don’t get into one right away.

Join Our Public Beta and Usability Tests

Lastly, some opportunities on WardrobeTools are large public tests where anyone is free to participate.

These are usually centered around our Wardrobe Planner product that is NOT profession specific.

Just look for WardrobeTools projects that have a “Beta and Usability Test for Anyone” heading.

Please understand that we realize everyone's time is limited and VERY valuable. What we have described about our test and tester objectives are the ideal goals and aspirations for our tests and our testers.

Life is a complicated process that is not always utopian. We are flexible with our tests and testers.

We will always do our very best to make sure this is a pleasurable and rewarding experience for all!