From Wall Street to Main Street to Broadway & Beyond
the Classrooms of Juilliard to the Runways of Milan
From Pom-Poms and Little Leagues
to Soccer Moms and Pee-Wee Leagues
From Yankees to Lakers to Movers & Shakers
From Fashion & Image to Shoppers & Dressers
to Ringling to Vegas or Theatre Professors
From Movies to Rentals to Cirque du Soleil
to TV or Consignments to Russian Ballet

WardrobeTools is a suite of software products designed specifically to meet the needs of anyone who manages wardrobe inventories.
How can our software help you?
- Manage your company with our new business management module.
- Track wardrobe, materials and tools inventories.
- Assemble related items into costumes/outfits/ensembles/capsules/looks/groupings!
- Create lists for travel, charity, laundry, consignment, rental, wish, buy, etc.
- Design and administer client or performer interviews and questionnaires.
- Assign items to permanent & temporary storage locations.
- Associate unlimited photographs for each entity; items assemblies or people.
- Create color palettes for hair makeup and wardrobe per client or performer.
- Read more about how our software can help you ... more
Our Software Products
Wardrobe Planner
- Wardrobe Planner is the complete personal clothing inventory management solution specifically designed for the businessmen and woman to the stay-at-home moms and dads!
- This easy to use, essential Clothing inventory and Outfit assembly System is for home or business use. .
- Have fun with your clothes with Wardrobe-Planner Clothing Organizer Software. Mix, match and organize all your clothes into lots of different outfits for every occasion.
- Make the most of your clothing budget by creating many different outfits from the clothes you already have. Use the clothing calendar so you don’t repeat the same outfit very often. Always look your best in well put together outfits.
- It’s like having your very own personal dresser!
For more information please visit:
Wardrobe Assistant
- Wardrobe-Assistant is the complete wardrobe inventory solution specifically designed for Image and Fashion Consultants, Fashion Stylists, Personal Assistants, Personal Dressers and similar. Manage your clients and now manage your business with our new business module!
- When you need to manage and provide detailed information about wardrobe items and ensembles, hair and makeup, recommendations, notes, client questionnaires for one or more clients, Wardrobe-Assistant is the software for you!
- Are you managing multiple clients at the same time? No problem, Wardrobe-Assistant discretely isolates and allows you to manage them all under one roof!
- Let Wardrobe Assistant begin to help you today!
For more information please visit:
Wardrobe Manager
- Wardrobe-Manager is the complete wardrobe inventory solution specifically designed for professionals in the world of Entertainment, Fashion and Sports.
Wardrobe Manager serves the needs of the Wardrobe Professional! Wardrobe managers, wardrobe mistresses and masters, costume managers, wardrobe assistants, clothing and costume designers, athletic department personnel, costume rental house managers and the like can benefit from using our software.
- Combined with add-on modules for traveling entertainment, it also serves the needs of their respective production and tour managers, fashion show planners, runway managers and similar.
- Whether its Rock & Roll, TV, Movies, Broadway, Opera, Ballet, Fashion Shows, the Circus, High School, College, or Professional Sport, Wardrobe Manager lets you quickly take control of your inventory and manage your daily chores under one roof.
For more information please visit:
Wardrobe Companion
- Wardrobe Companion: WardrobeTools' iOS companions for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch to the above mentioned desktop and networked products.
- This is NOT a smart phone application in the true sense of the word but rather a Filemaker Pro iOS version which allows you to carry a copy of the computer version of Wardrobe Planner, Wardrobe Assistant and WardrobeManager.
- Or you can remotely access your data files via your network or the internet.
For more information please visit:
Our Services
We bring organization to chaotic environments.

We can help you in all phases of your project - whether in a production facility, storage locker or at your home. We create work staging areas while remaining unabtrusive to your daily activities.

We stage, light and professionally protograph your entire wardrobe inventory using a combination of stages from our proprietary photography stand to clothing frames and mannequins.

We enter the primary descriptor information about your inventory items into the database while photographing the respective item. Later we go back and add detail to make it easy to locate items within the database and physical location.

Our professional wardrobe specialist will collborate with you and/or your staff to properly identify and name each wardrobe Item to insure ease of finding each item.

We can help with your existing closet organization or we can design a completely new system to fit your needs.

We will setup any existing devices or assist in the design and purchase of a new system to run your WardrobeTools' application and network it so that you can access your inventory from where ever needed.
About Our Opportunities
About Beta Testing
Tester Questionnaires
Our Team

Robert Bloomfield
Developer and CEO

Sharon C Hansen
Logistics and Marketing

Alan Lincourt
Photographer and Project Manager